
Location: Cell Kagano, Section Kitabi, District Nyamagabe
Duration: 3 months
Applicant: Sisters of Saint-Francis of Assise
Description of the project:
The terraces of Kitabi were built in 1991. However, as a result of the events of 1994, when the sisters were exiled, this infrastructure was damaged, the erosion by rain is considered as one of the most important factors of damage of the soil, hitting the most fertile layer, which has a direct impact on the environment and on agricultural production.
The biggest problem is the erosion caused by landslides. This erosion has adverse effects on the local population by the following:
- The destruction of houses.
- The damage to arable land.
- The destruction of food crops and infrastructure (bridges, roads).
- The loss of lifes, of animals and of material.
- The change of the physico-chemical properties of the soil.
- Starvation and the lack of potable water.
- Diseases.
- The exile of the population.
- The trauma of a few individuals.
The aim of this project is to restore the infrastructure and the anti-erosion features of the bottoms of hills in the cell Kagano of the sector KITABI to resolve in a sustainable manner the above-mentioned problems.
The general objective of this project is to restore the fertility of the soil by the fight against anti-erosion and the rehabilitation of terraces of two adjacent basins of 2 ha in the village of Uwintyabire. This action would like to contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of agricultural production and of animals through the works for the protection of the two water catchment areas.
The project will be carried out by the sisters St Francis of Assisi in cooperation with the agriculture engineer and the local people who will be involved in the project.
Beginning of the works : 1/10/2012
Follow up and evaluation:
The tasks of supervision are assigned to the agriculture engineer. The tasks of monitoring and evaluation will be performed by a team consisting of members of the sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi, a representative of the sponsors and executive engineer. The follow-up and evaluation report will be made once per month for the duration of the project so that the sponsors and the sisters can assess the progress as well as any corrections and adjustments if necessary.
- Improve the socio-economic conditions and the health of the population of the sector of KITABI ;
- Rehabilitation of the recent infrastructure for the management of the soil and the protection of the basins ;
- Planting of forest plants and fixating grasses on the banks ;
- Creation of the anti-erosion channels ;
- To increase awareness of the population regarding the proper management of infrastructure.
- The sisters of Saint Francis of Assisi;
- The centre for disabled children in Kitabi ;
- 23 541 inhabitants : 12 565 women (53, 4%) et 10 976 men (46,6%) ;
- The rest of the population of Kitabi and tourists of the Nyungwe National Park, as well as the members of RDB/ORTPN - Kitabi ;
- Vulnerable people from the surrounding areas
Budget: 4.944.000 Frw
Requested amount from Vleugels van Hoop vzw : 4.384.000 Frw (± 5850 Euro)
Contribution by the beneficiaries: 560.000 Frw
The risks and restrictions that may impede the implementation of the project are: the lack of funding
N° |
Description |
Unit |
Amount |
Days |
Unit price |
Price |
Total price project |
Requested |
Own contribution |
1 |
Hoes |
pieces |
60 |
- |
1,500 |
90,000 |
90,000 |
2 |
Pickaxes |
pieces |
40 |
- |
1,000 |
40,000 |
40,000 |
3 |
Peaks |
pieces |
30 |
- |
1,000 |
30,000 |
30,000 |
4 |
Machetes |
pieces |
10 |
- |
1,000 |
10,000 |
10,000 |
5 |
Wheelbarrows |
pieces |
4 |
40,000 |
160,000 |
160,000 |
6 |
Seedlings |
pieces |
3,000 |
- |
20 |
60,000 |
60,000 |
7 |
Penissetum |
pieces |
12,000 |
- |
12 |
144,000 |
144,000 |
8 |
Transport penissetum |
truck |
1 |
- |
80,000 |
80,000 |
80,000 |
9 |
Slopes topography |
H/J |
5 |
4 |
1,500 |
30,000 |
30,000 |
10 |
Marking |
H/J |
40 |
22 |
1,000 |
880,000 |
880,000 |
11 |
subculturing |
H/J |
6 |
30 |
1,000 |
180,000 |
180,000 |
12 |
Reeds cuttings
Penissetum |
H/J |
10 |
7 |
1,000 |
70,000 |
70,000 |
13 |
Cuttings plantation
on slopes |
H/J |
10 |
10 |
1,000 |
100,000 |
100,000 |
14 |
Preparation compost |
H/J |
20 |
45 |
1,000 |
900,000 |
900,000 |
15 |
Transport organic
manure |
truck |
1 |
1 |
150,000 |
150,000 |
150,000 |
16 |
Transport lime |
truck |
1 |
1 |
150,000 |
150,000 |
150,000 |
17 |
Application lime |
kg |
14,000 |
2 |
18 |
504,000 |
504,000 |
18 |
Refilling |
H/J |
20 |
5 |
1,000 |
100,000 |
100,000 |
19 |
Supervision(Capita) |
H/J |
2 |
22 |
1,500 |
66,000 |
66,000 |
20 |
Supervision |
H/J |
1 |
30 |
20,000 |
600,000 |
600,000 |
21 |
Evaluation |
H/J |
5 |
8 |
15,000 |
600,000 |
600,000 |
4,384,000 |
560,000 |
4,944,000 |
Follow-up of the project
Translation mail from Eustache october 2012.

Photo 1: Shows the damaged terraces before the restoration activities
Photo 2: Shows the terraces at commencement of the activities of rehabilitation of terraces.
Report of two weeks of the progress of the project.
We started the project on the left side coming from Kitabi on an area of at least 1ha with 1 agronomist, 1 monitor Agri, 1 team leader and two teams of 20 person each.
The activities carried out are:
- New terraces (Rehabilitation);
- Marking;
- Seeding;
- Composting
All these work mentioned above has given us an overall idea for the progress of activities in future, which will allow us to manage the difficulties concerning the existing terraces.
November 2012
Restore radical terraces in Kitabi |
- Recruitment of 60 working people (for the poor families)
- - Training of 4 technicians for the restoration of improved terraces
- Repair of terraces min. 2 Ha
- Trying to get 12 tons travertin through transport with delivery van
- Preparation 2 compost heaps
- Preparation of the cultivation of trees
- Preparation of the courtyard in the monastery of Kitabi
With the cooperation of the Sisters of St Francis of Assisi, we realized our objectives with success and this within the stated time limit |
January 2013
NO |
Planned activities |
Realisation in % |
Left over activities |
Comment |
Create awareness at the local population about the benefit of modern agriculture |
The population in the sector of Kitabi is involved and made aware of fighting erosion and the implementation of radical terraces. All participants got a technical knowledge building on soil management.. |
None |
Before starting off a 2-days workshop was held on the upcoming recovery techniques. The executed hand labour also improved the social contacts. What could be paid: school fee for those who have children, medical Insurance, cloths, food, etc... |
2. |
Re-establish the usage of anti-erosion means |
90% of the anti-erosion means were re-established, thanks to the modern technique of improved terrace shaping. |
10% of the terraces stayed about the same because of the shrubs for the animals. We’re going to work on re-planting the shrubs on the slopes |
The improved area covers more than 60% of the slopes. The terraces are small (1 or 2 meters) where the embankments are broader than 2 meters. In the future there will be sufficient grasses for the cattle. |
3. |
Implantation of trees and fixation grasses on the slopes |
About 1.500 alnus plants were planted, 15.000
Shrubs and 1 kg of grasses of the falalis type were planted |
In communication with Sr. Benedicta it was decided not to include eucalyptus, because of the too small area |
Because of the high acidity of the soil in the Kitabi region there was a delay in the growth of the shrubs and some trees. The technician is locally further investigating the situation |
4. |
Digging of anti-erosion canals. |
Canals of 50m were digged |
1 canal of 150m still to be digged to channel the water coming from the main road, to avoid damage on the re-established terraces. |
This canal will be digged after the potatoes harvesting, as well as the further completing the non-planted embankments
. |
5. |
Application of travertin en organic fertilizers |
Travertin was put on the whole improved surface i.e. 1,7 ha (5 tons per ha) |
1,5 tons travertin is remaining. This will be put after the recovery of the total surface. |
The organic fertilizers are coming from the staple. The made compost will be used in season B 2013 |
6. |
Compost preparations |
We make 5 compost heaps of around 5 tons each |
None |
The micro-biotic activity is rather slow |
7. |
Making the improved terraces more profitable |
Planting potatoes (Sangena and Mabondo varieties) on the full surface |
None |
The growth of the potatoes is good. The use of organic fertilizers in combination with compost helps in the success of the project. |
8. |
Preparational work for the agro-forest tree cultivation |
Cultivation of 4.194 calliandra trees, 5.374 leucaena trees and 1.540 Imifatangwe trees |
Removal of weeds and improving the eucalyptus. |
9. |
‘Fencing’ of the Kitabi farm using modern biologic techniques |
Not yet relevant as the plants are still too small |
Not yet relevant |
Not yet relevant |
10. |
Diverse topics |
2 small vegetable gardens (for use in the kitchen) are taken care of very well. |
None |
Good work in maintaining the vegetable garden |
May 2013
Desription of the project:
The purpose of the project is to improve the infrastructure and establish anti-erosion means for the hilly surface of the cel Kagano of sector Kitabi, to avoid/fight erosion of the terraces in a sustainable way.
- Recovery of the recent infrastructure for the management of the soil and the protection of the environment ;
- Planting of agro-wood trees and fixating grasses on the slopes
- The sisters
- Centre for disabled children in Kitabi
- 23 541 habitants in Kitabi
- Population around Kitabi and leading people of RDB/ORTPN
- Requested support from the vzw : 4.944.000 Rwf
- Lack of daily maintenance of the activities and renovated terraces.
Activity report
NO |
Planned activity |
Achieved |
Not achieved |
Remarks |
Awareness of the population about modern agriculture |
- Involve the neighbours in the project
- Awareness of the techniques used to manage the soil
- |
The population is motivated to use the modern techniques and to contribute to the good results |
Recovery of the anti-erosion facilities |
- Protection against erosion of the soil on ½ of the total surface
- Apply anti-erosion facilities for the new terraces with recent techniques
- |
The soil is clearly fixed : no movements (erosion) anymore at the protected surface |
Implanting of trees and fixating grasses on the slopes |
- Planting of eucalyptus on the surfaces with a steep slope (more than 60%) which are not usable for terraces
- Planting of Alnus, Carriandra, Leucaena and Accacia Decaputala : 70% of the plans.
30% of the plants still to be planted |
We expect positive results, the roots are well fixed which will help in the protection against wind. |
Usage of chalk and organic fertilizers and preparation of compost |
- 5 ton compost made, 12 ton chalk wit hits possible usage
- |
The usage will contribute in a high yield of the soil and the fertility of the soil |
Make the terraces profitable |
- Planting of potatoes A2013 ;
- Planting of peas B2013
An increased production compares to the situation before the project. The neighbours could benefit from the yield and received gifts |
Preparation of the seed bed for trees for agro-wood cultivations |
- Seed bed has a very motivation future view if planted for 70%
30% still in the seed bed, will soon be planted |
Delay in the activities of the seed bed after the rain problems in March and April and dryness in the First months after the start of the project |
Fencing of the area with biological techniques |
Already completed |
- |
Good status and good maintenance |
August 2013
Name project: Project 37: Terrace construction agriculture Kitabi
General status:
The targets to improve the infrastructure to avoid long term problems are achieved.
Progress since last status report:
The evolution of the project is measured in line with the agricultural seasons in Rwanda. Site activities, to improve long term agriculture, are established related to protection and productivity.
Below table shows the progress:
Culture/Season |
Production/A2013 |
Production/B2013 |
Production/A2014 |
Potatoes |
15 tons/ha |
Peas |
800 kg/ha |
Corn |
P.S. Season A 2013 shows an increase in the production. B 2013 shows a weaker production because of climate changes (very strong dry season) compared to the beginning of the season i.e. 2,3 ton/ha. For season A 2014 we expect a corn production of 4 ton/ha.
Financial status:
In line with the above mentioned activities during the first month after the project start the full budget has been spend.
- Climate changes and long dry season
- Nature disaster
- Lack of agricultural insurance related to future maintenance
Report of activities within project Kitabi
N° |
Planned activity |
Achieved % |
Not achieved % |
Comment |
Awareness of the population about modern agriculture |
- Mobilization of the population
- Awareness about the used techniques about land management
- |
The population is motivated about the new techniques which leads to a better result. . |
Redevelopment of anti-erosion means |
- Protection against land collapsing over about half of the total surface
- Positioning of anti-erosion means when prepare new terraces
- |
The land has significantly improved. No landslides occurred anymore. |
Plantation of trees and fixing grasses on the slopes. |
- Cultivation of eucalyptus on dangerous slopes (i.e. angel more than 60 degrees)
- Cultivation of Alnus, carriandra, leucaena and imifatangwe on 70% of the slopes
- |
We expect a positive result. There was a fixation of the roots which will contribute in protecting the surface against heavy winds |
Positioning of travertin and organic fertilizers and prepare the compost |
- 5 compost-heaps are made, 12 ton of travertin
- |
This will contribute in a good return of the texture and the fertility of the soil. |
Increase productivity of the improved terraces |
- Cultivation of potatoes in season A 2013
- Cultivation of peas in season B 2013
A very high degree of productivity is reached due to the project preparations. De population could benefit from a very high yield . |
Preparation of the agricultural-forest tree cultivation |
- The cultivation Works very motivating (70% has been planted already)
There were some small delays because of very much rain in March and April, followed by a long, extreme dry season. |
Placing a fence around the Kitabi-farm, using bio-techniques |
Already finalised using agro-forest materials |
- |
In good state and very well maintained. |
Pictures projet no.37 Kitabi

Cultivation of the terraces with peas in season B 2013(February, March, April and May)
The terrace slopes are well maintained and covered with fixating grasses.
Also well growing shrubs can be seen on the pictures.
This pictures are showing several agro-forest specimens. They are going to play a role in the establishment of a biological fence around the farm, as well as for feeding the animals and to protect the slopes and to offer spots of shade.

Picture of the alnus-shrubs, which is used as feed for the animals and for making humus as part of the organic fertilizers
Picture of the animals, showing the self-maintaining state, thanks to the improved Kitabi terraces project
See follow-up above.